Monday Blues

Today was a tough day for me. Can you really call them the ‘Monday Blues’ though when you’re unemployed? It’s not like I had to deal with a stack of work at the office after a nice weekend. I mentioned that I was tired to one of my housemates and she responded with a puzzled, “Oh?” I interpreted that as, “Dude, tired? You need to get a job before you can say stuff like that!”


Why am I down? Because I don’t have any work stress. I’m not used to having so little structure. I don’t know how to rate my day. I don’t know whether I’m making sufficient progress in my quest to get my business of the ground. I’m low because I couldn’t write anything today. I want to call it writers block but since I haven’t been published yet, am I a writer? I want to send a few articles to some local newspaper editors to see if they’d be willing to commission me to do some work for them, but I can’t seem to get going.


So Monday the 28th of January won’t go down as the best day I had in 2008, but I’ve gotten through it and tomorrow is another day. Thank God for tomorrows and clean slates! Soon enough the memory of this particular Monday will fade and will be hopefully replaced by something better.

One response to “Monday Blues

  1. Come on, Tsuro, get out and turn on your radio or music, or ask your friends out for lunch or tea. That should help! If not, sleep the whole day. 🙂

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